CACTUS RIDERS "Spicy Stout" ( Clip )
(director, Motion design, FX)
GORY CHRISTMAS ( Court Metrage )
(director, Motion design, FX)
Ca Va Saigner Du Clu VII ( Court Metrage )
(director, Editing, Motion design, FX)
Mamagabe 2021 ( Reportage )
(director, Motion Design, FX)
BURNOUT "Vampyre"
(director, Motion design, FX)
FURIES "Voodoo Chains"
(artwork and motion design)
J'VEUX UNE FéE ( Teaser )
(director, Motion design, FX)
SOUFFLE COURT ( Court Metrage )
(Motion design, FX)
GREG BO "Wanted Durga"
(director, Motion design, FX)
(director, design, animation, FX)
LEMON FURIA "l'Araignée"
(co-director, motion design and digital effects)
CLAUSTROFROG "Wet Like London"
(director, animation, FX)
(director and motion design)
(director, artwork and motion design)
FURIES "Unleash the Furies"
(artwork and motion design)
YUGAL "Heavy Mental"
(director, actor, artwork and motion design)
KAETS "My Creation"
(producer, decorator and special effects)
FLAYED "Monster Man"
(producer, decorator and special effects)